
Presenting fully staged grand opera, sung in English

Merry Wives of Windsor – auditions

4th August 2023 by

Auditions to take place on Sunday 10th and 17th September 16:00 to 18:00

Church Hall, Horfield Methodist Church, Bristol, BS7 8SN

Page numbers below refer to the Peters vocal score that can be downloaded from IMSLP. Email Arne Kovac @ akovacuk@gmail.com for English words using Graham Billing’s translation. Audition dates will be in September

Frau Fluth (Mistress Ford)      Soprano

Recitative and aria, pp. 41 – 49. To audition sing pp. 41 to 43 (first bar only). Then sing pp. 46-48, but cut the last three systems on p. 47 and the first bar on p. 48.

Herr Fluth (Ford)                  Baritone

Finale Act 1, pp. 60 – 62 (including bottom of p. 62)

Duet, Act 2, pp. 149-152 (from Moderato on p. 149 to double bar line on p. 152)

Sir John Falstaff                      Bass

Song Act 2, pp. 103-104 (one verse)

Finale Act 2, p. 161, 3rd system (falsetto)

Anna Reich (Anne Page)        Soprano

Recitative and aria, pp. 182 – 189     To audition sing pp 182-83. Then sing from p. 185, end of 2nd system to end of aria, but with a cut from p. 186, 3rd bar of 3rd system to last system on p. 187.

Frau Reich (Mistress Page)     Mezzo Soprano

Ballad, pp. 180 – 181, both verses

Fenton                                     Tenor

Aria, pp. 128 – 130, first verse only

Junker Spärlich (Slender)        Tenor

Act 2, Scene, pp. 124 – 125

Herr Reich (Page)                   Bass

 Act 3, p. 212

Dr. Caius                                 Bass

Act 2, Scene, pp. 126 – 128

There are also 4 citizens and an innkeeper which are mostly spoken parts and will be decided later.

