
Accessible opera, by and for the people of Bristol

Samson and Delilah Auditions

10th May 2019 by

Auditions for our next opera, Samson and Delilah, will be held on Thursday 4th July at 7:30PM at Horfield United Reformed Church. The opera will be performed 20th -22nd February 2020 at The Mackinnon Theatre, 1532 Performing Arts Centre.

If you are interested in auditioning for one of the roles below, or you would like to join the chorus or help out backstage, you can contact our musical director for more information. If you cannot make the initial audition date, please contact us to arrange an alternative.

Role Voice Type
Samson Tenor
Delilah Mezzo-Soprano
High Priest of Dagon Baritone
Abimélech satrap of Gaza Bass
First Philistine Tenor
Second Philistine Bass
Old Hebrew Tenor
Philistine Messsenger Tenor

Samson and Delilah is being performed 20th – 22nd February at the MacKinnon Theatre.

AuditionsCastingSamson and Delilah

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